We are pleased to announce that the U.S. Department of Energy has selected the Salish Way Cottages from Lopez Community Land Trust as a 2021 Housing Innovation Award winner in the Affordable category!
The Housing Innovation Award from the Department of Energy honors innovation for zero energy ready homes. This national award is an important achievement, as it represents the most impressive and innovative homes among leading DOE Zero Energy Ready Home builders. The award recognizes buildings that offer the very best in energy efficiency, indoor air quality, comfort, and construction quality. LCLT received the award in the category that recognizes Affordable Homes. Grand Award Winners will be selected at the Energy and Environmental Building Alliance High Performance Home Summit, September 14-16.
The Housing Innovation Award honors the four newest homes in the Salish Way Cooperative. These net-zero capable homes were designed by David Vandervort Architects. The four homes were completed in ten months’ time 2020-2021 and took place throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic. In total over 2,462 hours were contributed by homeowners in sweat equity, and by local volunteers. The cottages are 684 square feet, and each cost $250,000. The cottages feature Structural Insulated Panels (SIPS) chosen to accommodate social distancing; air sealing characteristics; whole house ventilation with opening windows; high efficiency windows; high efficiency induction kitchen ranges; Mitsubishi Air-to-Air Heat Pump for indoor heating; LED CFL lighting; and Douglas Fir milled on site for reverse board and batten siding. Many thanks are due to all who made the project possible, from residents and volunteers, to the carpenters and building partners, and to community members who contribute to the success of LCLT.
The four Salish Way cottages are home to Lopezians Mehgan Alexandra (Park Ranger), Julia Rogers (Business Owner), Luis Cisneros (Maintenance employee), and David Lawrence (Carpenter).
In the words of homeowner Mehgan,
“I love the feeling of security the home provides for me. No longer do I have to worry about a home being pulled out from under me. I have everything I need! Hot water, a washer and dryer, push button heat, these are basic amenities for much of America, but they are hard to come by in an affordable home on Lopez (as well as other communities in this county). I feel like I have finally reached adulthood. My home is also a perfect size for me and my dog, Toto. It is bright and airy and open and I am truly in love with it. My roots can continue to run deep on this beautiful rock.”