
Your donation supports our programs in affordable housing, sustainable agriculture and rural development, and provides operational support to continue our work in perpetuity. Thank you for supporting LCLT! 

Tax ID/EIN 91-4169975

Mailing address: P.O. Box 25, Lopez Island, WA 98261

LCLT is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

Ways to Give

Donate online today. Please consider monthly giving –  regular donations help LCLT better prepare for the future and increases our financial stability.

By Check
Make checks payable to: Lopez Community Land Trust. Please deliver directly to our office, or mail to P.O. Box 25, Lopez Island WA 98261

Donor Advised Funds
LCLT can receive donations made through a donor advised fund. Our Tax ID/EIN is 91-4169975 and our mailing address is P.O. Box 25, Lopez Island, WA 98261

Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
If you’re 70-1/2 or older on the day of the distribution, you may direct all or some of your IRA, up to $100,000, to LCLT. If you’re subject to a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for your traditional IRA, your tax-exemption will only be on the amount that would have been taxable. Your IRA plan administrator can help you transfer assets directly to Lopez Community Land Trust.

Employer matching gifts
Many employers match their employees’ donations to nonprofits; LCLT can receive matching funds through programs like Benevity.  Inquire with your employer’s human resources department to learn more.

For Estate Planning, Donations of Real Estate or Gifts of Stock
Please contact us directly at


When making a donation, please note if you would like to give to our General Fund or if you’ve like your donation to go to a specific Program. These include:

  • LCLT General Fund / Annual Membership — contributions are allocated to where they are needed most.
  • Lopez Island Farm Trust & Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development — contributions go towards strengthening our local food system including preserving working agricultural lands and housing farmers.
  • Affordable Housing Programs — contributions help build permanently affordable homes on Lopez, and support LCLT operations and programs related to affordable housing.
  • Len Kanzer Memorial Fund for Housing — Len Kanzer was a dedicated LCLT board member. The fund honors Len’s legacy while providing loans to first time co-op members enabling them to purchase their share in a home, or providing loans to housing co-ops in service of households at or below 80% of San Juan County Area Median Income (AMI). As a revolving loan fund, the interest accrued from loans is invested back into the loan fund. It is a gift that keeps on giving.
  • Luci’s Fund —Named in honor of a supporting member of LCLT from Hawaii, Luci’s Fund is a revolving loan fund available for member share purchases, capital improvements for co-ops, and/or capital improvements on other LCLT leasehold properties for households earning up to 115% of San Juan County Area Median Income (AMI).

Buy a Bag

Canvas totes with the LCLT Logo featuring Diana Luhn Bower’s block print A Dream of Houses are exclusively available for purchase at Chimera Gallery in the Lopez Village for $20.