LCLT Movie Night and Annual Meeting: March 26th at 7pm

Living the Change: Inspiring Stories for a Sustainable Future! Lopez…

Lopez Farmers!

Be a part of the 2019-2020 Lopez Island Farm Products Guide!! We…

Annual Harvest Dinner – Saturday, October 20th, 5:00PM @ LCCA

All Welcome!!  Special Guest Speaker: Jane Koger Cowboy…

Farming Trends by Rhea Miller

In 1984-85, Sandy Bishop and I were walking 5000 miles across…

Kingian Nonviolence Training May 21 & 22

In times of trouble, nonviolence is a guiding light towards justice.…

Play In A Day: Story Bridge on Lopez Island…

LCLT Annual Meeting and film screening SUSTAINABLE – March 26th ay 7PM

LCLT Annual Meeting and film screening of Sustainable by Matt…

Common Ground is Cover of Home Power Magazine!

Common Ground residents Chris & Chom Greacen demonstrate…

Story Bridge & Sequel

Story Bridge is Coming to Lopez! Islanders are being hit…

LCLT’s Annual Harvest Dinner

LCLT hosted its annual Harvest Dinner on Saturday, October 21st,…